
The Brentwood Society

The Brentwood Society is a fictional, secret community where the the male citizens rule and the female residents serve. 18+ Fantasy Blog.

To Be a Maid Companion

To Be a Maid Companion

Story by Brentwood

Art by @NimbleTail 

Concept by Flydeath

            Alice should have been insulted to be made to dress so lewdly, but she wasn’t.  She was perhaps a little embarrassed as she stood on display, teetering on white, platform heels in a maid uniform that both hugged and exposed her amble curves, but her desire to please and serve her new master outweighed such nagging feelings.  Alice’s mother had warned her of the peril of pursuing an aristocratic man as a mere peasant girl.  

            “Do you think he’ll make you his bride, Alice?  He’ll debauch you and discard you without a second thought!”

            Alone in her bed at night, Alice had indulged in the fantasy of marrying the handsome, young lord more than a few times, but in her heart of hearts she knew her mother was right.  There was no way that they could truly be together, not as husband and wife anyway.   

            So, completely and utterly smitten with the young lord, Alice accepted the only proposal that she was going to ever receive from him—not to become his wife, but to become his permanent maid companion.    

            It was commonly known that a maid companion had no more rights or protection under the law than a piece of furniture—perhaps even less.  Even though Alice’s modest background had not provided her with the benefits of wealth and prestige, she was still a free citizen.  As a maid companion, the young lord could dress her as he saw fit, discipline her as he saw necessary, and essentially do as he pleased with her, whenever and however he pleased to do it.  

            While she was of course scandalized by the offer, she still accepted after only fifteen minutes of deliberation.  Even the young lord was surprised that she accepted so quickly.  Though Alice treasured her freedom, she was willing to trade it all just to be nearer to him.  




            When Alice first saw the outfit she was to wear she smiled ever so slightly.  Not because she was particularly pleased with having to wear something so risqué in front of the man who was now her lord and master, and anyone else who might be present, but because it wasn’t nearly as degrading as what she’d seen other maid companions wear.  Surely it meant that her master would be kind to her.

            Alice’s illusions were tested just a moment later, when the head maid shook her head and said, “No, dear, you’re not finished getting dressed just yet.  You must have your…accessories!”

            Alice blushed when her low cut top was yanked down to expose her ample breasts.  The maid chuckled while she applied round pasties over Alice’s prominent, pink nipples.  

            “What are these for?”  Alice asked.  

            “Oh, you’ll find out soon enough.”  The maid smiled knowingly.  

            Leaving Alice’s breasts bare, the maid raised the fidgeting girl’s skirt and ordered her to hold the scant, bunched fabric above the waist.  Then, from a nearby wooden box the maid produced a shiny metal chastity belt.  Alice had already seen a few before.  Most maid companions wore them, many noble women, and even a few particularly well-guarded peasant girls as well.  Though she was familiar with their exterior, she’d never been privy to what went on the inside.  

            Alice’s eyes were wide as she studied the two red, ribbed shafts which bore a striking resemblance to her master’s manhood when it was engorged.  They were positioned in such a way that when she was locked into the belt one would clearly be buried in her cunny, while the other would be in her…

            “M—Must I wear it?”  She asked the older maid while trembling.  How could such a thing have “chastity” in its name?  

            “Don’t ask silly questions, dear!  Of course you have to.”  The maid patted her on the shoulder.  “The rear plug takes some getting used to, true, but I promise you, after about six months you’ll barely notice it’s there.  After a full year you’ll be more comfortable with it in than without it!  Now step into it and I’ll help you put it on.”

            Alice gulped and reminded herself that it was for her master.  Then she hesitantly did as she was told.  

            The metal was cool against her warm skin.  The well-greased rods pressed against her entrances making the girl tense with terrible anticipation.  The mere thought on her master—of doing this for him had prepared her to more readily accept the invaders.  

            She whimpered as the bulbous things slid into her, stretching her, filling her.  Though she’d given herself to her master—before he was her master—four times before, he’d never taken liberties with her bottom!  It was painful, but the slick shaft, Alice’s earnest motivation, and the older maid’s skillful hands, made it bearable.  Even still, Alice had tears in her eyes when they were finally pressed to the hilt.  

            Feeling like an over-stuffed bird at Christmas dinner, Alice stood uncertainly on weak, wobbly legs.  The older maid smiled and nodded with approval while producing a small remote control from the wooden box.  

            “Now, there’s just one more thing,” she announced with a few button presses.

            Alice gasped as the two accurate facsimiles of her master began to vibrate right along with the pasties.

            “Lower your skirt and pull your top back up, girl.  You’ll be serving at our master’s table with me shortly.  His guests will all surely want to get a look at you, so you must look prim and proper!”


            Alice had endured the torture of the dinner, though she had no idea how she’d managed.  The quartet of terrible vibrators had incessantly teased her most sensitive and secret of areas as she tried to concentrate and learn the ropes of serving at a fancy, high-class table.

            Her master had watched from the head of the table with amusement, wine glass in hand, as the guests, both men and women, took turns embarrassing Alice by asking her to lift her skirt to show off her chastity belt.  After seeing how her arousal was running down the inside of her soft, creamy thighs, there were snickers and chuckles when one man remarked, “No doubt the little trollop needs that belt or she’d probably be putting on a show for us right in the middle of the table!”  Fortunately, when it was suggested that the belt be unlocked so that she could do just that, her master had politely refused the idea.  

            All Alice could do was bite her lip, clench down on the intruders nestled inside of her, and try to stay quiet as she muddled her way through the meal.  Through all of it, whenever her master’s eyes met hers she felt that she could do anything for him.  Why she still felt that way even while he was putting her through so much degradation was beyond her, but it was simply how she felt.  

            When the guests finally left, Alice was summoned to her master’s study.  She was breathing heavily from hours and hours of teasing.  She ached for release, and prayed that maybe he would make love to her as he had before during their steamy trysts.

            Alice was a little shocked to find him completely undressed and waiting for her.  She was even more shocked to find that any tenderness he’d shown her before was totally absent.  If her mind had not been so foggy and her body so desperate from carnal need, Alice might have bucked against being treated as a mere appliance to be used, but she was far too gone for that.  When he ordered her to her knees in the same tone one would command a dog to heel, she scrambled to obey, while the pleasurable pain pulsed inside of her.  

            Taking his manhood in her white gloved hand she guided the purplish head into her hot, panting mouth and began to suck as if her very life depended on it.  Perhaps it was just her arousal that made the shameful act not only palatable, but preferable.  Perhaps she felt there was an implied promise that if she did well she might be released from the belt.  Whatever the reason or reasons, Alice bobbed her dizzy head and sucked and sucked until she heard her master groan above her.  

            Though she was inexperienced, with such eagerness driving her, she dutifully swallowed every last sticky drop of him.

            “Very good, my lovely, little Alice,” her master rasped as she caught her breath blow him, her head submissively bowed.  “If you continue to perform your tricks so well, perhaps someday I’ll let you out of the belt so that you can have your own fun.  Perhaps someday…”

            Alice looked up at him.  There was sadism in his beautiful, blue eyes she’d never seen before.  

            How could she have made such a foolish decision?     

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