
The Brentwood Society

The Brentwood Society is a fictional, secret community where the the male citizens rule and the female residents serve. 18+ Fantasy Blog.

Princess and Button Get an Attitude Adjustment

            Voluptuous, pert Princess and Itty-bitty Button teetered uncertainly on their toes in an awkward, vulnerable open-legged squatting position.  Their cheeks were apple red from the most intense arousal.  Tears streamed from their desperate eyes; they mingled with the drool leaking from their propped-open mouths and the rivulets of sweat that ran down their glistening bodies.  They whimpered and whined for mercy from their nearby owners, Joey and Robert.  But both men merely stood by in the pet girl store’s demo area with the technician and watched with interest, but made no move to save their puppy girls from their confused torment.  

            Princess and Button really only had themselves to blame for their predicament.  Despite being on all fours and at the end of a leash, Princess constantly tried to be the boss of her house.  She regularly didn’t follow Joey’s commands and was incredibly demanding for everything from new collars, to his attention, to table scraps.  Button on the other hand was a fairly obedient and submissive puppy girl, but she never wanted to completely abandon her humanity the way her role demanded.  As such she still often balked at eating from a dog dish or doing her business outside.  

            With both puppy girls having some behavior problems, their owners had decided to try out the latest and greatest pet gear on them, the Mark 2 Petsitter series.  The Mark 2 Petsitter was made to reinforce obedience training, accelerate it, and in some cases even replace it entirely by more-closely monitoring a pet girl’s thoughts, correcting the bad ones, praising the good ones, and giving instructions on behavior proper dog-like behavior.  It was a big leap from the Mark 1 sitter, which only really kept track of the puppy girl’s actions and rewarded or punished them accordingly.    The technician presenting it boasted that it’d really “bring out the animal in your puppy girl.”    

            Both Princess and Button had been initially unimpressed when the Mark 2 Pet Sitter was activated.  Except for the buds stuffed in their ears, physically it was just like the Mark 1 except for the name.  Both puppy girls heard the same mechanical voice inside their heads, “Petsitter Mark 2 – B series – Online…Standby mode…Running equipment diagnostic…Reward…”  They both anticipated the quick pleasurable vibration that surged through the nipple covers, c-string, and tail plug.  Already quivering and needy, both of them were left wanting more when the same voice said, “Correction…” They both braced for the terrible shock from all the same places, in addition to the heavy collar each wore.  Howls of pain emitted from their gaping mouths, but they soon recovered.  They’d both been through countless pet sitter diagnostics after all.

            It was only when Button retreated into the private part of her mind that still considered herself to be human, what she always did when she was nervous or put out by the demands placed upon her, that she realize that something was different.  

            Is this all there is? She thought petulantly behind the strong walls of her mental stronghold.  God, I hope Master isn’t dumb enough to buy this thing.  I mean…

            The mechanical voice clicked on in her head unexpectedly, startling her.  “Bad dog!”

            Not being accustomed to having her actual thoughts read by the old sitter, Button perked up.  

            Wait, what?

            “Puppies do not have human thoughts!”  The sitter scolded before shocking her in all the wrong places.  Her tight little “tail hole” contracted from the jolt, making her clench down on the plug inside of it.  The pressure-sensitive plug made the wires inside the attached tail tuck between her trembling legs.  

            At the same moment Princess had a similar realization about the new sitter.  Joey had ordered her to stay next to Button during the demonstration, but she would be damned if she was just going to squat next to her friend when they could be shopping in the rest of the store.  Plus she wanted Joey’s attention, and what she wanted was what mattered, so she dropped down to all fours and started crawling towards her owner while panting happily.  

            She stopped dead in her tracks when the sitter’s voice clicked on inside her head, “Bad dog!  Puppies obey their owners!”  Her own tail came down between her legs as a terrible disciplining shock ripped through her. Princess remained where she was and looked up at her owner, utterly appalled.  How could he allow this to happen?  Who did he think he was?

            A few moments later the voice clicked on again.  “Bad dog!  Puppies obey their owners!”  

            Princess yelped as a second jolt went through her.  It only took two demonstrations to extinguish her defiance.  She scampered back to her spot next to Button and resumed squatting with her legs lewdly spread.  Both puppy girls looked at each other sideways before looking to their owners for an explanation.   

            Button felt a chill run through her when Robert—Master—smiled down at her and said something.  Normally his words would have comforted her, but she couldn’t understand a word he said. It was all garbled nonsense.  Then she remembered the plugs they’d put in her ears.  

            Behind the already crumbling walls of her brain fortress, Button thought: These damn things in my ears won’t even let me understand words just like…just like a real dog!

            Button was disgusted, but she didn’t have long to be.  

            “Bad dog!”  The sitter clicked on.  “Puppies do not have human thoughts!”  

            The shock was harsher making her teeter and almost lose her balance.  

            Princess was too angry to notice that she couldn’t understand anyone talking around her.  She narrowed her eyes and wondered again, how could Joey do this to her, his beloved pet?  The sitter clicked on, interrupting her negative thoughts.  

            “Bad dog!” the sitter admonished.  “Puppies love their owners.”

            Princess yelped and tried to clear her mind. So did Button.  Both puppy girls trembled and panted, terrified to move and terrified to think.  When Button’s owner started speaking to her again she resisted the urge to intellectualize about it.  Instead, she let herself feel it.  It was just like having her hands put into tight paw mittens so she couldn’t use them for anything, or having her feet put into the paw booties which restricted her to crawling.  She was helpless before and even more so now.  She found herself growing wet from the feeling and the understanding that she was even more dependent on her owner than she was before.  

            She tensed when she felt the pet sitter click on again.  “Good dog!” the sitter praised.  “Puppies love to be helpless.”  The softer words were accompanied by pleasing vibrations from the nipple pads, c-string, and tail plug, making Button even more aroused. 

            Princess was more strong-willed.  She went through a cycle of trying not to think, thinking about how angry she was at Joey, to getting shocked, to going back to trying not to think, and so on.  After several rotations, however, she looked up at Joey again.  He looked genuinely concerned and even a bit upset.  She didn’t like seeing Joey—her owner—upset.  She loved him and wanted to please him.

            She braced for a shock when the sitter clicked on again.  “Good dog!” the sitter praised.  “Puppies love their owners.”  The praise was accompanied by a delicious vibration in all the same places that Button had gotten it.  Princess crossed her eyes and shuddered, it felt so good! 


            Both puppy girls watched their owners speaking with the technician.  They couldn’t understand a word of the conversation.  Though neither of them wanted to consciously think it, they really didn’t want their owners to buy the Mark 2 sitters, but the short time in the sitters had readjusted their attitudes a bit.  They knew that what happened would happen, and that their owners knew best.

            Robert crossed his arms.  “I think maybe another twenty minutes and then we can get them out of those things.”

            Joey nodded.  “Yeah, that sounds good.”

            The technician asked, “So, will either of you gentlemen be buying a Mark 2 this evening?”

            Robert shook his head.  “I think Button has gotten all she is going to get out of it.  Any longer and her pretty little brains are going to get fried!”

            Joey paused and then said, “I’ll take one.”

            The tech congratulated him on his “wise choice” and went to get a boxed set from the backroom.  

            Robert looked at Joey with surprise.  “I didn’t think you had it in you.”

            “Oh, I’m not planning on using it all the time, but I think it’d be a really good attitude adjuster.  Like you said, a puppy like Princess needs a firm hand, right?  

Art by – Nimbletail –




My Stories in this setting:

Deviantart Links

Case #1 - Sue's First Case

Case #2 - Deep Undercover

Case #3 - The Mutt Maker

Case #4 - Tit for Tat

Case #5 – Sisters Reunited

Blogspot Links

Case #1 - Sue's First Case

Case #2 - Deep Undercover

Case #3 - The Mutt Maker

Case #4 - Tit for Tat

Case #5 – Sisters Reunited

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