
The Brentwood Society

The Brentwood Society is a fictional, secret community where the the male citizens rule and the female residents serve. 18+ Fantasy Blog.

Back to Part 2: The Groomer (1/2) - https://brentwoodsociety.bdsmlr.com/post/238579728

Part 2: The Groomer (2/2)

Donna laughed and fished around in the bottom of the crate, “I thought you might feel that way…Ah, there it is.”  She pulled out a light brown, fluffy tail that, like the ears, was in the style of a Pomeranian.  

            Sue’s eyes locked onto the tail and traveled slowly down it to the plug at the end.  At the mere sight of it she clenched her butt reflexively.  Out of everything, the tail was what she had been most worried about, but she’d been able to avoid thinking about it until that moment.

            “Wait...you’re not actually expecting me to…”  She started awkwardly.  “Come on, you faked the brands and the tag!  Can’t you do the same for the tail?”

            “Sorry, puppy, no, we can’t.  You’re probably going to be at that kennel for at least several days.  You’re going to have to go potty sometime.  The handlers would notice if you weren’t plugged!”

            Sue started to back away from her, but stopped as she ran out of table surface and teetered on the edge.  Stuck on her hands and knees and already being so short, Sue suddenly felt like she was standing on the edge of a canyon.

            “Ah, ah, ah, none of that, puppy!”  Donna wagged her finger.  “If you’re not going to be still, I can still call in the boys from processing and they can do it.”

            Sue wavered, not sure what to do.  She almost wanted to put up a fight out of principle.

            Donna turned the tail over and pointed at the plug.  “We knew you wouldn’t be able to take a normal full-sized one, so we got you the smallest model available.  We call them ‘runt-size’, you know, cause runt-of-the-litter?  They’re for petite pups like you.  Come on, I’ll grease it and you up really good so it will just pop right in!  It’s so small you probably won’t even know it’s there!”

            “What in the hell is wrong with you?”  Sue snapped as she set her rump protectively down on the table.  “How would you like having something stuck up your butt?  How would you like having any of this done to you?”  She shook her paw at Donna before she realized that it probably looked more-adorable than threatening.  She dropped her paw in her lap and said in a small, defeated voice, “You don’t know how this feels…”

            “Oh?  I don’t know how it feels?”  Donna asked.  Her voice was still just as light and sweet as ever as she raised her uniform blouse and pulled down the waistband of her pants revealing an old ComPet brand.

            Sue stared at the mark for several long seconds before looking up at Donna, “You were a service animal?”  

            “Yup!”  She dropped her blouse.  

            “But why...why would you do this?  Why would you work here?”  

            “Well, this might surprise you, but I enjoyed my service time.  I know I was luckier than a lot of other girls, not as lucky as you were though…”  She smiled slyly.  “We don’t all have your family’s connections.  Anyway, I really was lucky.  A lot of girls get paired with really cruel or ugly owners, or both!  Mine was super strict, but he was hot, kept me comfortable, well-fed, and most importantly, well-fucked!”  

            Sue’s eyes widened.  

“We’re not all prudes, Sue.” Donna chuckled.

I’m not a prude! Sue pouted.  Am I?

“I happen to like sex, so did my owner, and while I was his puppy girl he went after me like no man did before or since!”  Donna’s cheeks flushed a bit as a wistful look crept over her features.  “You have no idea how good it can be when you’re completely helpless…and at the same time, in a way, so is he.  He might have the remote that controls you and he might be the owner, but it was like he was powerless to resist me…”  Donna grinned wickedly and winked.    

Sue squirmed a bit on the edge of the table.  Her “puppy parts” tingled at the thought of making a man so powerless.  She wondered what it would be like.  

“So, I do know how it feels.  I wore a much bigger plug for two whole years and I didn’t get to complain while they jammed it up me, so I’d count my blessings if I were you, puppy!”

“You still haven’t told me why you work here.”

“It’s what I know.  And I do it because I want to make the process a little less-scary for the pups that end up on my table—you know, like I would have wanted when I was here.”          

            Sue nodded. “That’s what I wanted to do in the HPPS—help all the poor girls who are stuck in service!”

            “Well, then we’re not so different then.  See?  Now, can we?”  Donna held up the tail in one hand and a tube of lubricant in the other.

            Sue nodded slowly. “I—yes.”

            “Good girl!  Who’s a brave puppy?”  Donna chimed.  “Now head down and bottom up!”

            Sue crawled back to the middle of the table and timidly lowered her face.  The metal was cool on her burning cheek as she presented her backside to Donna.  

            This is so humiliating...

            She jolted up as she felt cool lube against her anus.  

            “No, puppy…”  Donna murmured soothingly as she gently pushed Sue’s head back down.  “I know you’re fearful.  Just relax and I promise it won’t be awful…”

            Even after everything Donna had told her, Sue doubted her, but she took a deep breath and tried to be calm and still.  The lube gradually warmed as Donna lightly massaged her in a semi-circle.  

            “That’s right.  Relax.  So brave…so brave…”  Donna murmured.    

Sue started to feel a little like a jar of jam left out in the sun on a scorching summer day.  Her face was hot, her heart was thumping, and a slight trickle of drool dripped from the corner of her mouth.  Maybe Donna was right and it wouldn’t be so bad.  Suddenly the massage stopped, and Sue felt a hard, unyielding object against her tight opening.  Her eyes shot open and she started to sit up again.  Donna intercepted Sue’s head and pressed it down again as the plug began to slide inside her tight opening.

Sue reflexively clenched down on it, trying to push the invader out as tears of pain and panic came to her eyes.  “No!  Stop!  Take it out!  Take it out!”

Donna held her down and pushed the plug deeper, “Shh…shhh…I know, puppy, I know.  Breathe.  Relax…”  She murmured.

            Sue took panicked gasps as her whole body shined with sweat.  When she’d done service animal welfare checks for the HPPS she’d always asked owners to remove tail plugs so she could check that area for health.  She’d always wondered how they could stand having that bulbous thing forced in and out of them each day, but never wanted to experience it to learn.

            Finally, Donna let out a grunt and the pressure stopped. With a playful slap on Sue’s behind she said triumphantly, “Done!  I have never had a puppy on my table with such a tight, little chute as you!”  

            Sue couldn’t hold back her tears anymore.  The humiliation and pain of the day had finally gotten to her.  She collapsed into pitiful sobs.

            Donna petted her lovingly. “Aw, don’t cry, puppy.  Come on!  Who’s a brave puppy?  That’s right!  You are!  You are!”  

            Sue tried to choke back her tears.

            “I—I—” she sobbed as she reached back for the tail with her pawed hands.  

            “No, puppy!  No!  We mustn’t try to touch our tail!”  Donna batted away Sue’s paws.  

            “But I—” Sue trembled and then whispered.  “I have to go to the bathroom!  Please take it out!”

            “No, puppy.  That’s just the way it feels at first.  You’ll get used to it.”

            “Please!  I need to go!”  

            “No.  Now, you’re almost done!  Just two more things—and I promise they won’t hurt.”  

Sue had been through so much.  She gulped back some more sobs as Donna wiped her tears.  She tried to ignore the feeling that she needed to go to the bathroom without much success.  

Donna showed her the next item from the crate, a c-string that matched the rest of her gear.  “See, not scary at all.  And since you’re so bashful, I bet you’ll like having your puppy parts covered!” 

Yeah, “covered…”         

Sue shifted a bit as Donna affixed the thing over her crotch.  She had to admit that it was better than nothing.  She yelped and jumped a little when Donna attached the back of it to the tail.  Even the littlest touch to the tail was more than a bit painful.   

Donna picked up the remote and pushed a few buttons.  Sue’s eyes bulged as she first felt a powerful vibration from the plug for several long seconds followed by an equally strong tremor from the front panel of the c-string.  

Oh my God!

The vibrations alternated from the plug and the panel several times.  Sue’s hips wiggled as she involuntarily let out a high-pitched squeak every time the tremors went to the panel and a pained groan every time they went to the plug.  

Then the vibrations stopped.  Panting slightly and with her hips still shaking, Sue looked up at Donna with an almost resentful expression as if to say, “How could you?”  

“I told you it wouldn’t hurt.  I bet puppy liked that, huh?  Does puppy want more?”  Donna teased.  

Sue almost nodded, but didn’t.  

“I bet puppy does!”  Donna looked at her slyly.  “Well, there’s no time anyway!”

Donna held up a sturdy black leather collar with a shiny, bone-shaped dog tag jingling against the buckle.  “See, puppy gets her own pretty new necklace!  Chin up!”  

Sue stared for a moment at the collar before raising her chin.  She shivered as she felt the cool, firm leather caress her soft neck.  Panic rose in her as it began to close around her throat.  She felt as if she couldn’t swallow—couldn’t breathe!    

“All finished!”  Donna helped Sue off the table and onto the floor.  

Sue always had to look up at most others due to being so short, but it was a whole new perspective on her hands and knees.  Looking up at the tall, pretty, well-dressed Donna made her feel small and very much inferior.  It was a feeling that wasn’t helped when Donna attached a leash to Sue’s collar.  

Sue pawed at the leash. “Hey, I don’t need a leash yet do I?”  When she woke up that morning she didn’t think it was remotely possible that she’d be asking that question.  

“Not yet, but you might as well get used to it now.  Come on!”  Donna gave a light tug.

Sue made a sullen face, but followed Donna to a mirror attached to the wall at her new, low level.  It had been a shock when she’d seen herself after the haircut and the makeup, but seeing herself dressed—locked—in the full puppy gear and looking no different than the helpless, pathetic girls she used to check daily was a nightmare.  The ridiculous paws on her hands and feet, the “brand” over her lower belly, the collar around her neck with the tag hanging down from it, Sue stared unbelieving at it all with brown eyes made blue.  

“Oh, I almost forgot!”  Donna looped the end of the leash on a wall-mounted hook and pulled two pink ribbons from her pocket.  “We can’t send this puppy out without her ribbons, no we can’t!”  She said as she knelt down next to Sue and tied the ribbons into large bows at the base of each pigtail.  “Perfect!  Who’s the prettiest puppy in the whole wide world?  That’s right, you are!  You are!”

            Sue hated pink.  The ribbons just made her feel even more disassociated from her own body.  She thought of Boji again and the girls she’d “rescued,” and for a moment she wondered if she didn’t deserve all of this.             

Donna was wrong.  It was the collar that hurt the worst of all.    


On to Part 3 and 4: https://brentwoodsociety.bdsmlr.com/post/241156168

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